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27. července 2024, svátek má Věroslav
BTC Prague 2024. The biggest, most influential bitcoin event in Europe ever is happening again!

BTC Prague 2024. The biggest, most influential bitcoin event in Europe ever is happening again!

Building on the highly successful inaugural 2023 edition, BTC Prague returns to the capital of Czechia in June 2024 for yet another biggest Bitcoin-only conference in Europe.

PragMoon magazine in cooperation with BTC Prague. They bring a 10% discount on tickets with the MOON promotion.
Pick a ticket. Just click through this link and the discount will be automatically deducted.


  • 3 executive days, thousands of international guests, and a rich program with options for everyone - from workshops and pitching contests, to panels, presentations, and afterparties.
  • 100+ carefully curated speakers on 4 stages. 100+ bitcoin companies at the extensive expo hall. 10,000 like-minded bitcoin enthusiasts from all across Europe and beyond.
  • The current wave of tickets, available in three tiers, is on sale from February 1st until sold out.


BTC Prague is a place where ideas meet, relationships form, and real bitcoin stories are made. 100+ carefully curated speakers on 4 stages. 100+ bitcoin companies at the extensive Expo hall. 10,000 like-minded bitcoin enthusiasts from all across Europe and beyond. With just a mere glimpse of what’s in store this year, picture this: three dynamic days with a rich program including targeted workshops, unique panels, and engaging presentations. But also talent matching options and business networking opportunities. And if that is not enough, you can join several side events and afterparties, offering fun and unforgettable memories. Yet, it is much more than just another conference! BTC Prague is a vibrant space that brings together the finest builders of the Bitcoin World — from entrepreneurs, philanthropists, researchers, and authors, to influencers, philosophers, educators, freedom fighters, developers, and more. Ultimately, pure signal, zero noise.

Don't wait until a better future arrives. Come to BTC Prague, the bitcoin capital of Europe, and start building it! June 13 — 15 2024.

The current wave of tickets, available in four tiers, is on sale from February 1st until sold out {link}. Save your spot!


tickets: https://www.btcprague.com/ticket-types/

PragMoon magazine in cooperation with BTC Prague. They bring a 10% discount on tickets with the MOON promotion.
Pick a ticket. Just click through this link and the discount will be automatically deducted.



Opava slaví 800. Buďte u toho!

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BTC Prague 2025. Prozíravý bitcoiner kupuje Early Bird!

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